Maybe you haven't managed to book in for your well overdue hair appointment and the temptation of the supermarket box dye on special is just to tempting. Whatever the reason, many ladies find themselves reaching for the box dye to dye their own hair instead of visiting the hair salon. While buying and applying the box dye seems harmless enough, you should be aware of all the problems that can come with that cheap, easy fix.
They suck you in with phrases like "vibrant", "high shine", "rich tones" and "luminous highlights" but what the supermarket brands do not explain is that one box dye isn't going to be suitable for every hair shade and type.
Another problem with the "one size fits all" approach is everyone's hair is different - from hair condition to pigment and history. Certain chemicals in hair dyes can have a chemical reaction with other hair products that you have used, so it's worthwhile playing it safe and visit your hairstylist at L.A Hair Designs.
We all know someone who has experienced a DIY disaster, or at least seen one on social media. It might have been someone with brown or black hair who tried to give themselves a balayage and ended up with a nasty, uneven shade of orange, or someone who tried to lighten their own hair, only to fry it and have their hair break off.
Hairstylists at L.A Hair Designs go through extensive hair and colour training, over 3-4 years to gain their qualification, and with even more continual training we learn to be the best hairdresser in Toowoomba to perfect the hair dressing craft to minimise the likelihood of unpredictable results.
There is a reason that applying a full head of foils, balayage or ombre takes hours here at L.A Hair Designs, especially if your hair is thick and long. Depth and dimension makes your hair colour pop and looks natural, but to achieve this, it requires much more than a cheap box dye with a set of instructions.
Prior to colouring your hair, your hair stylist will assess your hair, take into account your skin tone, how you wear your hair, how often you want to visit the salon and other factors to determine how to achieve the best hair health, appearance and dimension in your consultation.
No matter how conditioning your supermarket box dye claims to be, they are a chemical cocktail that can be very harsh on your hair. Box dyes often use high amounts of ammonia, which aggressively opens your hair cuticle and allows the colour to penetrate your hair. Without being able to assess the condition and strength of your hair, among other factors, box dye can cause serious damage to your hair, which may result in a shorter-than-anticipated haircut.
Whilst most hairdressers work miracles on a daily basis, transforming guests' hair and self-confidence in the process, there is a limit to just how far L.A Hair Designs can stretch our miracle work. If you have fried your hair to a point where it is snapping off in chunks, or you have a head of uneven colour, orange-tinged hair, there is only so much our stylists can do.
So, what are you waiting for? Call the best hairdresser in Toowoomba now.
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